Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Test 123 uploading a post from my cell phone...is technology really this advanced???

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lady in Waiting

God blesses us. I know He does, because there are countless times that I can recall him doing so, and not just me, but the entire body of believers.

I also know that God calls us to not sit by idle. We are to be prepared for Him. For Jesus' return, we are to be prepared--like the parable of the 10 virgins, we are to be proactively prepared for His arrival.

My prayers are going forth for God to bless this journey I am on. I know that God has called me to go to Russia this summer, and I am anxious for Him to reveal to me all of the wonderful & surprising blessings yet to be experienced.

I await the moment that I get to meet the students I will have this summer. I am wondering how much my heart will be changed while on this trip. I am excited to get to meet my team this Saturday, and see how we mesh.

I am encouraged by the pledges of prayer support that I am receiving. I am also at peace and am confident that God will bring forth the finances that will be added confirmation to His sending me out to the ends of the earth. I am just so filled with JOY, PEACE, and PATIENCE at this moment....for once, I don't mind the wait. I don't want the surprise(s) spoiled. I am okay with waiting for God to reveal his blessings.

Joyfully Waiting ~

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Henna Feet

At the women's retreat last weekend I discovered how much fun Henna can be! I didn't do the typical Henna; but I did have fun decorating my feet. I'll post pics of them later.

The cool part about it, is that today after I got a hair cut, I was asked by the manager about my Henna'ed feet. So I got to share with him that I am going to Russia on a mission trip this summer, and was basically able to share a little bit of Jesus with him too. :)

Then when I came home, I received my first support check! :) Awesome blessing; and wonderful how God is providing for this trip in so many ways!

Mark your calendar---Russia Dinner @ my place May 15.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Support Letter

Hey blogger readers!!

Want to partner with me on the upcoming Russia Mission trip?? email me your address and I'll send you a letter! mcnally.kathryn@gmail.com



PS a great song to check out is Whispers in the Dark by Skillet