com·mit·ment: The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons
lib·er·ate: To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.
tyr·an·ny: Absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly
crit·ic : a person who finds fault and criticizes [Greek kritēs judge]
fear: A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger
ra·tion·al: Of sound mind; sane
hes·i·tate: a. To be slow to act, speak, or decide.b. To pause in uncertainty; waver.
head: Freedom of choice or action
bar·ri·er: Something that separates or holds apart
life: Human existence, relationships, or activity in general
I shared with a friend today about my resolutions, and was asked how I plan to accomplish these resolutions. I honestly had not thought about that yet, but a phrase that was stuck in my mind after waking up in the middle of the night was "to begin a journey, let out a big sigh, and take a step in the right direction". So when my friend mentioned taking baby steps, the journey phrase resurfaced in my mind. I'm not sure where the "journey phrase" came from, but it has got me thinking about this journey that God has me on; I know where it started and how I got here, but where is God leading me? Will I go willingly, and courageously submit to his plan for me? Or will I try to control and manipulate "my life" to accomplish my goals and plans, as I have so often done in the past?
What I do know, is that I want and need to take some steps in the right direction; I need to appreciate the gift of the Holy Spirit by listening and obeying. I have discovered recently that often the depth of my guilt is in direct relation to the depth of my ignoring God and going my own way.
Having a commitment to my resolution this year has been very liberating thus far (yes, I know it has only been a few days!). I am excited for what God has in store this year, and am ready for God to remove the barriers so that I can live the life He intends for me to live.
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